Rhythm Vizion Sunglasses will change your Life !!! RhythmVizion.com

Rhythm Vizion Sunglasses will change your Life !!!  RhythmVizion.com
Sound Activated Sunglasses

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Information Technology has DIGITALLY now created The NEW YOU!!

There are so many positive books out there that have the power to uplift your life, but sometimes you need more than just a book to get you up there.

The mind can memorize words and you can repeat it all day to yourself sort of like how a singer has to memorize the notes to a song.

Now what if you memorized lets say the Bible or CRUSHIT Gary Vaynerchuk , at first your state of mind will feel good and very powerful.  However I imagine one day you will wake up and say "the feeling doesn't have the same affect on me?" and than your inner spirit will say " because it's another mans perspective of the world ".  Now you are thinking about your own thoughts and real experiences how you saw the world and things are starting to now make sense to you. Am I right or wrong?  Yes I am talking to you,  you are reading this right? or is someone else reading this for you?

Your experiences in life are worth more than money can buy, and social media has allowed the troll to appear as the dragon that is what corporate America is doing.  Everyone is marketing themselves,  even little kids, what's there little pitch? they smile at you, giggle, show you attention and BAM you are sold. even the taxi bike buy in Hong Kong dangling that filthy cigarette out of his mouth , but he draws you into the moment by the way he lets it dip and swing back and fourth as he is teasing you for a ride of your life,, I know WTF right?  It's a shady world from BIG CORPORATE AMERICA to the peddler on the street and there techniques are the same, but the MASK on the face is different.

The point is at the end of the day , end of life, or end of this BLog, what will always matter the most to YOU? I  believe it will be your own experiences that you created yourself AND not great quotes from positive books that you have read this year.  I would imagine your experience in your own words are worth memorizing and spreading them to make the world a better place.

Do yourself a fantastic favor and believe in your life and when it comes to thoughts and what is worth remembering? You are worth remembering!!   and please just keep it simple, because the truth is your creativity.  If you want to do anything,  write your own thriller in your perspective because no matter on what NIGHT it will give you super natural power.  Do you understand?

AND if you have a delicious  idea for a NIGHT LIFE PARTY PRODUCT, because I create them for EDM " Electronic Dance Music".
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