Have you ever wondered why all the sudden your feeling out of control? Our Society tries to label everything as good and bad or thats happening because of this or that. Forget about all that nonsense. There is a magnetic force propelling... around the earth which we are all connected to whether you believe it or not. These waves of energy are moving and changing every second just like you are. Some people who don't get it are constantly saying to themselves "My life is out of control" and what they don't get is because it really is. You have no control over the Law Of Rhythm. The Day comes and the Night comes and it is what it is. If you can understand how your emotional model is connected to the physical world around you and really understand how it works then you are on you way to big improvements to your emotional psychology, creativity, and most important what are you. There is a time to Work and a Time to rest, and if you keep working to hard your body shuts down correct?. But there is matter constantly around you keeping you from floating off into space which conducts sounds from all over the world. Now sometimes its not what you like and sometimes it is. You do have the control to go with the Rhythm or not. If you do then you made a smart choice if you dont' well then you will keep saying why is my life out of control? Because you and the rest of the world are intrinsic to The Law Of Rhythm. In the end it's up to you! ~ Get Down With The Rhythm... RhythmVizion
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